Write your story here and press the submit button.
In your waiting story you can also describe how the waiting impacts your daily life, where it is taking place, how long you have been waiting and what you do while you are waiting.
Note: please also mention in which city/town & country your waiting takes place.
All forms of waiting are welcome, whether they are long or short, essential or less essential, as long as it’s your own experience. You can choose whatever language you prefer.
After you submit your waiting story, you can find it at the bottom of the main page.
You are welcome to come back any time to add another experience.
Thank you for visiting our digital waiting space.
What are you waiting for? is a collective user generated platform that digitally maps and archives the personal waiting experiences of everyone around the world.
Together with you we create a collection of waiting experiences as a statement to voice our moments of waiting and how these moments affect our daily lives. By creating this digital waiting space we can exchange our experiences anonymously and support each other through learning about the waiting situations of others.
By adding your waiting experience to this archive and reading those of others we hope to create a waiting community of our own and transform the space of waiting into a space of coming together to complain, protest, listen and learn. We want to turn the unconscious, isolated waiting experience into a conscious and collective one.
We want to raise the awareness that our personal waiting situations are often not something we can control and are created by the environments we live in and the lack of support from politics and governmental institutions. When it comes to waiting, the personal is political which is the reason why it’s so important to share our personal experiences.
All forms of waiting are welcome as long as it’s your own experience.
Thank you for sharing!
When we wait we are faced with the fact that we often do not know what will come next. We wait our entire lives for different matters such as housing, medical results, jobs, death, asylum, money, a better life, pregnancy, affirmation, love, people, mail, bureaucracy, recovery, the train, climate change, health or in traffic. Some of these matters are more essential than others but they all have an impact on how we live our lives and what our possibilities are.
The issue with waiting for the more essential matters is that we are confronted with the fact that other people are moving forward while we are being put on hold, whether it’s temporary or permanent. Waiting for something we need can prevent us from participating in certain areas of our lives. It can force us to move at a slower pace, to take a break from what we are doing or it can prevent us from moving forward at all.
This can be extremely painful because of society’s constant expectation that we should be productive and develop our lives at all times next to the fact that we are constantly told that we are responsible for our own situations. Waiting is seen as unproductive, as lost time, as falling behind and as something that puts us outside of a functioning society. A society that we can rejoin once we are back up to speed.
But the thing with these waiting situations is that we usually have no control over them. This can leave us feeling powerless, frightened, uncertain, impatient, scared, bored or isolated. For example, many people are waiting to find a new house to be able to start a family or move to the next phase in their lives. They are getting stuck in their current lives. The same goes for finding a job, getting medical treatment, receiving your citizenship or waiting to run out of money.
On this platform we don’t want to look at waiting as standing still or failure. Here we want to emphasize the shared experience of waiting. It’s a place to share, to listen and to stand up for your waiting situation without having the feeling that you are the only one or that it’s your fault.
What are you waiting for? is part of an artistic research project called How to wait together? With this body of work, performance-based artist Merel Smitt researches the impact of waiting in our daily lives as well as different types of waiting in order to emphasize the universal character of this experience.
For this digital waiting platform Merel Smitt collaborates with Ariane Gros and Maisa Imamovic. All three of us wait for essential things as well as less essential things. We have experiences with waiting that we would love to share with you through a short introduction.
Merel Smitt (artist)
Ariane Gros (dramaturg)
“There is nothing to do now but wait.” I heard this sentence very often in very different situations. Whether it be the result of a trial I was engaged in, the death of a relative or responses from applications, my relationship with waiting has always become more complicated when I had no control nor agency over the outcome of the wait. In 2019, this appeared to me even more clearly as I was waiting for the judge’s deliberation in a trial that was engaging my future. The formality of this waiting was separating time and space between the waiting bodies from the deciding ones. While the judges were deciding for hours in the privacy of another room, the court hearing, lawyers and defendants were all waiting in this eerie disciplined way, surrendered by the policemen placed at strategic points in the hearing room. As I was standing still, processing in my body the emotions of what had happened, they were sharing jokes and anecdotes to pass the time and forget the panic and fear the judiciary system can cause. I remember someone reading a book called “poo and pee on capitalism”. I think it is in this waiting time that we are maybe the most aware of who is empowered and enabled to act or not -especially upon our lives. And to what extent the romanticisation of this time is a privilege.
Maisa Imamović (web design and development)
In Bosnian, we say: “Ko čeka dočeka” - which is hard to translate without having a long discussion about it. The closest I got to is: “It comes to those who wait.” It can be anything in this case, but in the Bosnian case, it is always one step closer to a better life - a visa for the future or sorts.
I must admit that this **mantra** has subconsciously followed me throughout the years -- I did sigh from relief in the moments when I felt like it was in the air.
In November 2021, I sighed the deepest. An act resulting from the end of an eight-year-old waiting for my permanent residence permit in The Netherlands(type II). One might assume that heavy sighs come from the hardest pains but actually, the overall experience of my waiting was somehow light. I think that's because I spent most of my time training myself to forget about having to wait, but without losing a grip on it. Were I to write a book about it, it'd be called: “7 years + 11 months of domesticated waiting, 1 month of raging”. — Rage caused by not knowing what I’m waiting for.
When one knows in one’s moments of waiting that there is an end to this static experience (i.e. in my experience: the decision date), one finds ways to occupy oneself with favorite distractions (education, skills, hobbies, fears, swimming). Whatever we choose to fill the gaps of waiting with(and we're lucky if we can), makes clear that waiting is all there is to our existence. Waiting for official bureaucratic recognition in order to obtain ++rights in this country was my biggest waiting challenge so far. Now that I'm not waiting for that specific subject anymore, it's hard not to immediately jump on the next big wait.
When adding your waiting experience to this archive you are completely anonymous and we do not collect or save any data. You don’t have to sign up or leave your information and none of these entries will be used anywhere else except for on this website.
If you have made an entry that you would like to have deleted please send an email to info@merelsmitt.nl and your entry will be deleted.
We also monitor the entries on a regular basis to prevent people from misusing the website's possibilities.
If you would like to contact the maker of this platform or have made an entry that you would like to have deleted please send an e-mail to merel@merelsmitt.nl.
If you want to know more about the maker you can visit www.merelsmitt.com
These videos were shot by different people during their waiting situations in their everyday lives. We will update this collection whenever we receive new videos. This means you can send us yours!
If you like to share footage of your own waiting situation, you can send your video via e-mail to merel@merelsmitt.nl or via WhatsApp, Signal, iMessage or Messenger to +31 6 13 10 75 25 and we will include your video in this collection.
Please make sure your video is shot horizontally.